The center image is, of course, that of St. Christopher bearing the child Christ across the river. The saint's gaze is one of adoration facing the Lord, while Jesus' gaze is one of comforting love facing you, the viewer. St. Christopher's staff is at an angle, showing that he is in motion through the river as on a journey.
Moving clockwise, we see the image for Mary as a sign of our community's devotion to our Blessed Mother.
Below that is the image of the stag, which symbolizes our Diocese of Tucson.
On the left side is the image of the mountainous desert, similar to the image found for the, recognizing our community's presence in Marana and the Arizona high desert.
Above that is an image that symbolizes both the sun the Eucharist (IHS). Jesus in the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith and must always remain the center of our parish life here at St. Christopher. He is the light that shatters the darkness of the world, as the sun shatters the dark night.